...what is the cost of this solution and is it possible to test it? What capabilities does the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform offer? Download nearly 60 pages of free knowledge.

Will the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Replace SOLIDWORKS?

Find answers to this and 12 other pressing questions in nearly 60 pages of a free, original eBook. The only comprehensive guide of its kind!

Discover how the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform is revolutionizing engineering and design. Enhance your knowledge of modern solutions with this extensive, practical, and free eBook!

Be prepared for change, get ready!

Why You Should Download the 3DEXPERIENCE eBook

13 Questions and Answers

We have picked 13 most often asked questions about 3DEXPERIENCE and compiled the answers

Unique Knowledge

90% of the content in this eBook has never been and will never be published elsewhere

60 Pages

This is not a promotional flyer; it's a genuine, richly illustrated, substantive eBook

Easy Navigation

Chapters, sub-chapters, headings—read only what interests you

Expert Knowledge

We are at the forefront of global leaders in implementing 3DEXPERIENCE solutions

Future in the Cloud

The cloud revolution is inevitable; be prepared for it

Selected Topics from the 13 Chapters of the eBook:

Will the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Replace SOLIDWORKS?
What is the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and How Does It Work?
What is the Relationship Between 3DEXPERIENCE and SOLIDWORKS?
What is the Cost of Using the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform?
Can I Test the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, and If So, How?
Is Using 3DEXPERIENCE Safe for the Company and Projects?

Download the eBook 'Will 3DEXPERIENCE Replace SOLIDWORKS?

...what is the cost of this solution, and is it possible to test it? What capabilities does the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform offer? Download nearly 60 pages of free but invaluable industry knowledge now.

Free eBook

Compendium of Knowledge on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform

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